Read The Doctrine of Christ
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This is an 80 page Paperback on the subject of the Trinity, its historical and ancient origin. It examines in detail the views of the Early Church Fathers on the subject as well as the influences that shaped its inception. Among the topics covered are: The Trinity Emerges Gradually, The Holy Spirit Misunderstood, Confronting Gnostic Heresies, Readings from the Inspired Word of God, Views of the Early Church Fathers. This book is essential reading for any who have struggled with this concept and wonder about its Scriptural and Historic basis. It examines in detail the grammar of John 1:1 and its teaching. Over 75 Scripture passages are listed pertinent to the subject. Apostolic Christian Church of America: Doctrine Doctrine - The Apostolic Christian Church is a brotherhood of believers that earnestly seeks to interpret the Bible literally. The teachings of Jesus Christ and his ... The Doctrine of Rewards: The Judgment Seat (Bema) of Christ One of the prominent doctrines of the New Testament is the Doctrine of Rewards and the Judgment Seat of Christ. It is a doctrine often ignored or when taught it is ... Doctrinal Studies Bible Doctrine - Middletown Bible church The Eternal Sonship of Christ. The Eternal Sonship of Christ--by George Zeller and Renald Showers The Eternal Sonship of Christ--The Importance of this Doctrine ... CHRISTOLOGY: THE DOCTRINE OF CHRIST - Page 1 CHRISTOLOGY: THE DOCTRINE OF CHRIST I. THE NAMES AND NATURE OF JESUS CHRIST Christology is the doctrine of Jesus Christ. It is the study of Brethren in Christ Church - Articles of Faith and Doctrine Articles of Faith and Doctrine Artculos de Fe y Doctrina (en Espaol) Revelation and Scripture; God and Creation; Humanity and Sin; Jesus Christ and Salvation The Day of Christ The Day of Christ. The chart below notes the verses that refer to the Day of Christ. They are all from Paul since God did not reveal it in the Old Testament during ... The Bride of Christ Introduction. M ost churches in Christendom teach the Church is the bride of Christ. But the phrase bride of Christ does not occur in the Bible. Doctrine - Wikipedia Doctrine (from Latin: doctrina) is a codification of beliefs or a body of teachings or instructions taught principles or positions as the essence of teachings in a ... Statement of the Doctrinal Position of the LCMS - The ... A Brief Statement of the Doctrinal Position of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod. Brother Douglas D. Holmes: 'The Doctrine of Christ ... The doctrine of Christ is the only sure way to come unto Him Brother Douglas D. Holmes first counselor in the Young Men general presidency told students ...
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